Featured work

web & motion


Dualité, conflit et différence

webmaster - motion design

web & branding


A way more than just an accountant

branding & webmaster

web & branding


Passionate glass blower from Ardèche

webmaster - motion design


From my most pixel perfect work to the weird stuff I've done. Here, you'll get to see everything i'm proud of.

web & motion


Dualité, conflit et différence

webmaster - motion design

yamateos is a digital designer*

=> Play showreel

*I'm foremost a creative guy. My goal create whole universe around brands or project and make it alive.

UI / UX design


Graphic design

Motion design

and more

12:55 PM

Remote &

Available for freelance

Available for freelance

I'm available for work by the way. Feel free to reach me ;)


In love since day 1. I create great interfaces and make things work together.

UI designer / figma lover / wordpress enjoyer / CSS addict / framer explorer


Motion design

My other love. One of the best way to tell a story is through images ,

after effect / squash & stretch abuser / premiere pro

Get to know me more

All those knowledge are mandatory and part of my procress to create